Give a miracle!

Go to bat for the kids today.

Help give a special kid the chance to experience the joy of playing baseball. Every little bit helps make the dream of playing ball a reality for boys and girls of all abilities.

We can’t change or cure the medical issues life has dealt kids with disabilities, but we can provide them with the chance to experience something many of them and their parents never thought they would – the joy and benefits that come from playing baseball.

We’re now in our 16th heart-warming season, and we want to be sure we can keep providing special experiences for these special kids, forever. Your ongoing support helps fund critical areas including:

  • Future replacement of the field’s artificial surface;
  • Maintain the soft, cushioned and clean rubber surface of all playground equipment areas;
  • Remove the old and add new handicap-accessible play equipment;
  • Add several long-term additions in the park – like handicap accessible picnic areas off of paved pathways, add improvements to the south land of Optimist Park and more; plus
  • Add funds into an endowment that will help secure the future of The Miracle League of Green Bay for generations to come.

You can also help provide scholarships for kids. Just $45 sponsors a child for a full season – and we never turn anyone away because of an inability to pay. 

So get involved. Contribute in any way you can and know that you’re doing something special.

To give, click the donate button above. It will take you to the Miracle League’s secure fund page at the Greater Green Bay Community Foundation.

If you prefer to send a check, make it payable to Miracle League of Green Bay and drop it in the mail to: 

Miracle League of Green Bay
C/O  Gary Rogaczewski, Executive Director
2072 North Rock River Circle
De Pere, WI  54115